Often an HVAC system malfunctions because of neglect or poor upkeep. HVAC maintenance is essential for a unit to function properly and efficiently. To keep your heating and cooling system in good condition, here are some HVAC maintenance tips.

HVAC Maintenance: Replace the Filters

Air filters trap dust, dirt, and other pollutants to keep them from spreading through your home. As a result, the filter in your HVAC unit will become dirty and clogged over time. A dirty filter slows airflow, affects the performance of your HVAC system, and reduces indoor air quality. Change the air filter regularly to keep your heating and cooling system in good condition.

Schedule Regular Checkups

To keep your HVAC system in great shape, schedule at least one tune-up annually to make sure the system and its components are functioning as they should. A technician will inspect and repair any issues. Regular service helps your system run smoother and can lower energy costs.

Purchase an HVAC Maintenance Plan

It’s easy to forget about your HVAC system when it’s working properly. Purchase an HVAC maintenance plan so you don’t forget to get your system inspected each year. At first glance, the initial costs of a monthly plan may seem high, but they often include two service visits each year. This can save you from expensive repairs and system failure when you need heating or cooling the most.

Clean the Vents

Vacuuming your HVAC system’s vents will prevent dust, dirt, and debris from affecting your air quality and causing problems with the heating and cooling system. When cleaning the vents, also check airflow strength. If you notice it’s weak, contact an HVAC technician to troubleshoot the problem.

Clean and Clear the Outside Unit

The exterior part of the HVAC system is often overlooked since it’s usually out of sight. However, it’s as important as the indoor unit and will require regular maintenance, too.

Make sure grass, leaves, and other debris aren’t obstructing the unit and preventing good air circulation. Keep nearby vegetation trimmed away from the unit.

Choosing a Temperature

For best results, install a programmable thermostat to adjust the temperature depending on the time of day. Not only will it boost your system’s efficiency, but it will also lower your energy costs.

Perform HVAC Maintenance by Sealing Leaks

Air leaks occur when outside air enters the home and conditioned air leaves it through cracks and openings. Leaks force your HVAC system to work harder to keep your home climate-controlled.

To prevent air leaks, apply caulk and weatherstripping around doors and window frames. Doing so will extend the lifespan of your unit, and it will reduce heating and cooling costs.

Overall, HVAC maintenance will improve your indoor air quality, extend the lifespan of your unit, and lower your heating and cooling costs. Schedule regular maintenance to experience these benefits and keep your unit running smoothly.

Exceptional Engineering Home Inspections provides inspection services in Maricopa County, Arizona. Contact us to schedule an appointment.